Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Good morning Chicago!
Matthias slept SO well last night, allowing me to catch up on some much needed sleep also! I think I actually was able to sleep a whole four hours uninterrupted! I was sleeping so well that I didn't even notice David get out of bed for classes this morning. His schedule for Wednesdays are: 9-950 Intro to Philosophy -He says that he is really enjoying this one and is excited for what is to come; 10-11 Chapel; 11-1150 Lifetime Fitness -He says the prof is an elderly lady with a pedometer on her hip and she likes to read psalms before each class (how sweet!). Today he had to run a mile and a half and do some stretching so that they could record his numbers now and then they'll test again when he's a senior. He got 12min on the running!; 12-1250 Christianity and Western Culture II.

Matthias and I played and sang and laughed and slept while David was in class. I ventured onto Netflix during one of Matthias's naps and decided to watch Edward Scissorhands (I knew nothing of this movie) and stopped halfway through kinda disgusted. Next time I will most definitely read more into the movies I choose. It was quite interesting to say the least.

When David got home, we got all bundled up (which was totally unnecessary due to warm spring like weather) and headed out to visit a few offices on campus to tie up some loose ends on David's change in majors. It was so cute and I should've gotten a picture but, Matthias was so in awe of all the buildings and lights and new people that he just sat with his mouth open drooling at the whole sight! He was so content to be pushed around in his stroller-something I definitely took note of.

David and I joined a Moody married student group on facebook and saw a posting saying 'just a friendly reminder for free deep dish pizza and speaker tonight in the common room in Jenkins at 7pm!'. You can imagine our excitement. At about 6:00 David decided to check and make sure we had the right time, and saw that the post had been posted last September! We were utterly crushed!

Matthias managed to cheer us up with some good ole fashioned jumper time. 

We ended our night tonight with a romantic ambiance thanks to my grandma Sue and my superb mother Amy Tafoya :)

No! Those are not real flames! They are battery powered candles. How cool is that? (No flame candles allowed in Jenkins.)

Good night all, talk to ya tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. LOL!! Love your "utterly crushed" pic of you two!!

    Love this blog, Audrey!!!
