Monday, January 16, 2012

Our First Full Weekend Here In Chicago!

We have had a blast this weekend spending time together in our new place! Friday's classes were cancelled, all two of them (he has Intro to Philosophy and CWC II), which meant a early start to our first full weekend here in Chicago :)
Matthias had a lot of fun playing in his bouncer while mommy and daddy got ready for the day. 

  In the afternoon, Matthias had a bath! He has really loved having his own bath tub. =D
Before. . .

During. . .And After! So clean :)

After bathtime, we went to an open house at the RA's apartment! It was really a nice time. I got to chat with the ladies about babies, and David met some guys as well! He even met a guy that had helped animate kids shows such as the backyardigans! How cool is that??? I am so excited for the relationship potential that is here in Jenkins this semester! These are our faces  (full of glee) from when we got home. . .

On Saturday, David worked on his homework and also got in a lot of great playtime with Matthias :)

David tired him out!!!

Sunday was the most exciting day of them all! It is the first day that Matthias has ever sat up unassisted for more than 5 seconds!!! I think David's guitar playing helped ;)

We have had a great weekend. And it's not even over yet! David has Monday off from classes! Love you family! Can't wait for you guys to visit some time very soon I hope! 
David, Audrey, and Matthias

Friday, January 13, 2012

Thursday. Dun dun duuun!

Goodmorning Chillycago? It was so nice yesterday and now this? Weather just isn't gradual anymore.

David had a great day of classes again! His schedule today is the same as Tuesday. As we travel along in the Lord's Will, He just gives such a great sense of peace and endurance! It is so awesome to be here. Just in case you didn't know, David is changing his major to Theology. It has made him actually enjoy music again! His first class of the day, Marriage and Family Systems, was about the differing types of families. David said it was enlightening!

Matthias and I had hoots and hollers while David was away. I managed to organize Matthias's things like I wanted to! In fact, all the boxed are now unpacked and things are mostly organized! I am pretty excited. Visitors are now most welcome :)

Matthias's wall!

Tonight there was the first Student Wives Fellowship meeting from 5:30pm-8:30pm. I was pretty reluctant to go because at the few I had been to in the past I hadn't been able to really make any friends. And it's always hard to walk into something like that when you don't know a single person there. But! After praying with David that it would be a good and successful night, I felt encouraged and ready to take it on. God is so good! In the elevator on the way down, there was another gal who was heading to fellowship whom I had met when we were here last! All in all I had an enjoyable time. The ladies at the table I sat at were all really nice and friendly, and there was at least one other gal there that I had met previously. Dinner was scrumptious, we had beef stroganoff and veggies, and the speaker who had come spoke on the book of Ruth. It was enlightening as he gave quite a bit of history behind the book. And a mega plus, there were at least three other babies there. I totally should have brought Matthias with me, but he had a good time with daddy. 
The verdict? I am very excited to go to SWF next week :) 

Tommorrow there is an open house at the RA's apartment. We are going to venture there, and possible to the store for some milk! 

Be safe in all the snow! TTFN


Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Good morning Chicago!
Matthias slept SO well last night, allowing me to catch up on some much needed sleep also! I think I actually was able to sleep a whole four hours uninterrupted! I was sleeping so well that I didn't even notice David get out of bed for classes this morning. His schedule for Wednesdays are: 9-950 Intro to Philosophy -He says that he is really enjoying this one and is excited for what is to come; 10-11 Chapel; 11-1150 Lifetime Fitness -He says the prof is an elderly lady with a pedometer on her hip and she likes to read psalms before each class (how sweet!). Today he had to run a mile and a half and do some stretching so that they could record his numbers now and then they'll test again when he's a senior. He got 12min on the running!; 12-1250 Christianity and Western Culture II.

Matthias and I played and sang and laughed and slept while David was in class. I ventured onto Netflix during one of Matthias's naps and decided to watch Edward Scissorhands (I knew nothing of this movie) and stopped halfway through kinda disgusted. Next time I will most definitely read more into the movies I choose. It was quite interesting to say the least.

When David got home, we got all bundled up (which was totally unnecessary due to warm spring like weather) and headed out to visit a few offices on campus to tie up some loose ends on David's change in majors. It was so cute and I should've gotten a picture but, Matthias was so in awe of all the buildings and lights and new people that he just sat with his mouth open drooling at the whole sight! He was so content to be pushed around in his stroller-something I definitely took note of.

David and I joined a Moody married student group on facebook and saw a posting saying 'just a friendly reminder for free deep dish pizza and speaker tonight in the common room in Jenkins at 7pm!'. You can imagine our excitement. At about 6:00 David decided to check and make sure we had the right time, and saw that the post had been posted last September! We were utterly crushed!

Matthias managed to cheer us up with some good ole fashioned jumper time. 

We ended our night tonight with a romantic ambiance thanks to my grandma Sue and my superb mother Amy Tafoya :)

No! Those are not real flames! They are battery powered candles. How cool is that? (No flame candles allowed in Jenkins.)

Good night all, talk to ya tomorrow!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


    Well, last night Matthias came down with his first cold. He's got a yucky runny nose (haven't been able to catch up with it yet), and has been coughing and sneezing all day. He's a great sport though! Please pray for Matthias and I that we are able to sleep well and catch up from last night. 

Something that lifted our spirits today was getting Matthias's jumper in the mail! Thank you Grandma Flood! He had lots of fun jumping and spinning. 

Today was a light day of classes for David, his schedule is 830-945 Marriage and Family Systems; 10-11 Chapel; and last 11-1215 Theologian's Craft. He enjoyed his second day, it was a success :) He said that the Marriage and Family Systems class was completely full and that there were 40 students who didn't get  in! Thank goodness he got to register for classes early for being a father! The professor and his wife teach that one together, I thought that's pretty cool. It was also his first chapel of the year!
After classes were over, David got his U-Pass! He gets a discounted price for being a student here at Moody. With U-Pass in hand he ventured to Ragstock, an awesome thrifty store, that's just a 10 minute bus ride away. He was able to find himself a couple pairs of pants.
Matthias and I had fun while waiting for daddy. He took special interest in his bear friend's toes...

I was able to get a few more things done today, including finally getting out the amazing quilt Grandma Hodges made for us! Thank you Grandma! It is nice and warm and adds great colors to the room.

Monday, January 9, 2012

January 9th, 2012

Today David started his first day of classes! He was super excited to do so. His schedule for today looks like this:
Monday 9-950 Intro to Philosophy; 11-1150 Lifetime Fitness; 12-1250 Christianity and Western Culture II;
1-350 (no I didn't mess that up, this class is really 3 hours long!) Hermanutics

We also were checked in today by our new RA Shane, who had a super cool Irish accent! We didn't have any major problems with the apartment when we moved in, so there was really nothing to report. He and his wife, Luana just had their first daughter who is 3 weeks old! I am excited to meet Luana and their daughter.
I have gotten a few more things unpacked this morning, and David did an awesome job with the living room :)

Yes, the playpen is in the closet. For now :)

I have already washed dishes :)

He is having so much fun with his big new space to play!

I also tried the sling for the first time today! How do we look?

While Matthias was in the sling, we took a trip to the laundry room. We met our neighbor across the hall while heading out. She's a nice Russian woman, and she welcomed us to the building. We also met a friendly International student from China while in the laundry room. His name is Chuck and he lives here in Jenkins on the 6th floor. He is just starting his education here, and is majoring in Biblical Studies! That is what I will be majoring in when I start in March.

Tomorrow night there is a meeting for all new Jenkin's residents on the main floor here in Jenkins. Maybe we'll see Chuck!

Well, ttfn!