Monday, January 9, 2012

January 9th, 2012

Today David started his first day of classes! He was super excited to do so. His schedule for today looks like this:
Monday 9-950 Intro to Philosophy; 11-1150 Lifetime Fitness; 12-1250 Christianity and Western Culture II;
1-350 (no I didn't mess that up, this class is really 3 hours long!) Hermanutics

We also were checked in today by our new RA Shane, who had a super cool Irish accent! We didn't have any major problems with the apartment when we moved in, so there was really nothing to report. He and his wife, Luana just had their first daughter who is 3 weeks old! I am excited to meet Luana and their daughter.
I have gotten a few more things unpacked this morning, and David did an awesome job with the living room :)

Yes, the playpen is in the closet. For now :)

I have already washed dishes :)

He is having so much fun with his big new space to play!

I also tried the sling for the first time today! How do we look?

While Matthias was in the sling, we took a trip to the laundry room. We met our neighbor across the hall while heading out. She's a nice Russian woman, and she welcomed us to the building. We also met a friendly International student from China while in the laundry room. His name is Chuck and he lives here in Jenkins on the 6th floor. He is just starting his education here, and is majoring in Biblical Studies! That is what I will be majoring in when I start in March.

Tomorrow night there is a meeting for all new Jenkin's residents on the main floor here in Jenkins. Maybe we'll see Chuck!

Well, ttfn!


  1. Oh my goodness! Matthias is a doll! (You know, a super manly doll, if that's even a thing.) I hope we can arrange a married-person double date sometime! Maybe Dan and I can take the train down to Chicago some weekend in the future. I'm excited to follow your blog!

  2. Oh my goodness!!! Matthias looks so cute playing-it makes me wanna pick him up and hug and you two look ADORABLE in your sling-love his big smile!! :-)

  3. Great update Audrey! Loved all of it and OH MY is Matthias ever a cutie!!
