Monday, January 16, 2012

Our First Full Weekend Here In Chicago!

We have had a blast this weekend spending time together in our new place! Friday's classes were cancelled, all two of them (he has Intro to Philosophy and CWC II), which meant a early start to our first full weekend here in Chicago :)
Matthias had a lot of fun playing in his bouncer while mommy and daddy got ready for the day. 

  In the afternoon, Matthias had a bath! He has really loved having his own bath tub. =D
Before. . .

During. . .And After! So clean :)

After bathtime, we went to an open house at the RA's apartment! It was really a nice time. I got to chat with the ladies about babies, and David met some guys as well! He even met a guy that had helped animate kids shows such as the backyardigans! How cool is that??? I am so excited for the relationship potential that is here in Jenkins this semester! These are our faces  (full of glee) from when we got home. . .

On Saturday, David worked on his homework and also got in a lot of great playtime with Matthias :)

David tired him out!!!

Sunday was the most exciting day of them all! It is the first day that Matthias has ever sat up unassisted for more than 5 seconds!!! I think David's guitar playing helped ;)

We have had a great weekend. And it's not even over yet! David has Monday off from classes! Love you family! Can't wait for you guys to visit some time very soon I hope! 
David, Audrey, and Matthias

1 comment:

  1. Audrey I LOVE it!!!! Those are awesome pictures!! And that is such an interesting baby tub-now bathtimes can be fun instead of worrisome :-) I'm glad you guys are able to ease into school and not have it be so hectic right from the start.
