Sunday, September 12, 2010

Friday and Saturday Sept 10&11

Friday was pretty relaxing. I made sugar cookies! David worked from 3:30 to about 6:30, then we both headed over to Lindsey and Kai's to babysit Bailey while they went out for their 8th anniversary. They had a splendid time, and David finished his homework for that night!

biggest sugar cookie ever!

Saturday David and I went on our 2nd date night to Olive Garden (courtesy of Jim&Joan Thompson for working for their business for 2 years). We had QUITE the adventure, including getting hit by a car and walking 16 blocks in heels (won't do that again). Now, don't worry, we are pretty good when it comes to walking across a street when we're supposed to. And in this instance it was definitely NOT our fault. we came to a three way intersection. We looked all ways, saw the car stop on our right, and stared walking. Now as we were walking in front of this car, it decided to go! The lady barely realized she had hit two pedestrians, because she just gave us a blank stare, and fled the seen. As David and I peeled ourselves off the road, the man in the car straight ahead rolled down his window to see if we were okay. No worries :) David and I came away with only 1 broken foot, and 2 broken legs. JUST KIDDING! She barely touched us, but it was a pretty scary scenario. It got us both pretty shaken up, we thanked Jesus the whole rest of the night that we have family who prays for our safety and that He is looking out for us.  Here are some pictures of our night :) 

David had Chicken Alfredo
This is the sky at 8:30pm! It was dark outside, and the light in the picture is a street light!
I had Chicken Alfredo pizza 

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